Friday, April 27, 2007

Don Imus, Sheryl Crow, and Curt Shilling's bloody sock

One was replaced by the other then the other.

What happened to Imus? Given the furor I would have thought he would have been hung upside down like Mussolini. But we haven't heard a peep about him. He's off our radar screens.

BTW, we went after the wrong guy when we went after Imus. Can you say scapegoat? His shtick for 30 years was to say whatever it was, no matter how outrageous, to attract people for advertisers. CBS, MSNBC, and all them getting up on their moral high horses was so much bollocks. The powers that be--and we know they're mostly all fat white guys in suits--were no more morally outraged by Imus's remark than they were outraged by any other thing he said. What they were outraged about was that he threatened their cash flow. That's why he was fired. As soon as you understand that television, radio, film, and probably a helluva lot of theater is simply an advertising soon as you understand that it's not an entertainment'll be in the clear. You'll suddenly be able to sleep nights. The content is there solely to attract you and me to moths to the flame. And the network's moral outrage was so much posturing to mollify the public. If 12 naked belly dancers rapping about nappy-headed hos sold toothpaste, trust me, that's what we'd be seeing.

Then suddenly Sheryl Crow elbowed Imus off the cover of the Herald for suggesting we should use only one square of toilet paper per visit to the toilet. Did she? Really? I'm too tired and apathetic to really care enough to investigate. But Crow's someone who should just stay on stage. I actually like her music, but she's a home wrecker, having weaseled her way into Lance Armstrong's life and prying him away from his family. (What the eff is it with us guys who give it all up for some ditz?) Her idiotic face and comments during the Tour in 2005 when Lance won the Tour for the 7th straight time were a joke. She's just someone who thinks more of herself than the rest of us do.

Today the big news is Shilling's sock. Was it blood or paint?

Tomorrow I'm hoping for a sock puppet of a rock star who spouts profanity.

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