Friday, January 26, 2007

Man, what was the Pilgrims' problem?

It is freakin’ cold today in Boston. Right now it’s nine degrees Fahrenheit, up seven degrees from when I got up this morning. And my question is this: When the Pilgrims landed here in New England, why didn’t they turn around, get back on their boat, and go south?

The weather here sucks big time. There is no spring to speak of. It’s usually cold until the middle of June when it suddenly gets hot and sticky. The summers are either rainy or hot and muggy, depending on the weather gods. Fall is gorgeous, to die for, but then you got winter, which usually extends well into May.

So what was the problem with the Pilgrims? They had the boat. Obviously they knew navigation and geography so they must have known that they if they just turned around and hung a right they’d be in warmer climes in no time. What was it? Were they simply masochists and said, “This hurts; give us more”? Or did something go down on the boat that we just don’t know about? Maybe one of them suggested the very thing I am saying right now, and a bunch of them said, “No way. We're not getting back on that boat. Not after what happened. We don’t care how bad it is here. Nothing’s worse than that boat.”

Maybe that’s why today New England isn’t in Florida.

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