Monday, March 26, 2007

Ford F-150 and the cost of commuting

After all of the wonderful things I wrote about my Ford truck last week, this weekend I'm driving my daughter and her friend to the airport and it's just not driving right.

Turns out, after forking over $769.00 last month for an O2 sensor and a serpentine belt, I now am looking at about 300 bucks for U joints on the drive shaft. Ouch.

The truck is bought and paid for now, but still...there are always repairs and insurance and excise tax, which I've never been able to figure out. Why do I have to pay my town a tax to own a vehicle? Just one more way the government has its hand in my pocket.

I already depend pretty heavily on mass transportation to get in and out of Boston during the week and on weekends. My monthly pass, though, costs $210.00, and parking 20 bucks a week. That's $290.00 just to get to work to make money to pay so I can go to work to make money to pay...

Just like some of us are worth more dead than alive, sometimes I think I'd be better off unemployed.

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