Friday, March 23, 2007

The Hype Machine & the Black Lips

"Find music you never knew you liked."

Taken from their "About Us".

The Hype Machine follows music blog discussion. Every day, hundreds of people around the world write about music they love. Then it all shows up here for you to explore.

Don't get the idea you just read blogs about music though. If that were the case I'd be out of there pronto.

There are tons of MP3s. I found the site through I think someone's blog on TourFilter and went there to see if I could find the Black Lips, some crazy-ass garage band from Atlanta playing at SXSW.

If you want a good laugh, here they are. Their music, that I found through The Hype Machine, is pretty raw, but you can see how they might have a following. And I guess they're pretty hard-working; they tour a lot.

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