Tuesday, July 3, 2007

I started blogging because I felt the process for writing for a newspaper wasn't sufficient anymore for what I wanted to say. I felt with a blog I could just speak exactly what was on my mind, quick and unedited.

Now I find myself in an interesting place, editing myself, holding back a bit knowing who is or who might be reading this.

There are things about where I work that I'm dying to put out there.

The personal stuff is digging even deeper...and for those of you (or who's left out there who actually reads this blog) who have commented about it being too personal and you all couldn't bare your soul like I do sometimes...well, it could get even messier.

But to what end? Sometimes the truth just has to be told. It has to be laid out there. We crave the truth, but don't want to pay the price for it.

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