Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Sheep or swim

I just copied this out of a book for a client's Web site:

Public spaces are seen by passerby, and design choices will affect your neighborhood. If possible, make choices that complement your neighbor’s homes. Private spaces, such as backyards or areas enclosed by fences, offer opportunities to define a more personal style.

What I'd really like to write is: Be yourself. Make your mark on the world, on your little plot of earth. Don't worry about what your neighbor does with his lawn, with his landscape. Don't even consider it. Diversity is what makes this world beautiful. Not sameness. Not complementary. That's boring.

I really hate being a part of this...of condoning people to comply. To be part of the crowd. To be sheep. Because there are people out there who need a little encouragement to shine...and the big corporate world can't have any of that...God help us if people actually started being individuals and didn't toe the line.

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