Monday, April 2, 2007

The reason God made blogs and country music

Years ago a man was engaged to a woman, but today he and another man have been together for 18 years. Long ago, he didn't know he was gay. He probably didn't know what to feel, what he was supposed to feel.

One more reason for this blog. Just to let others know there's one more miserable human being out there...just doing the day-to-day, just doing the best he can, and sometimes that isn't very good.

Last week I was reading (in No Depression? American Songwriter?) about how depressing country music can be. And the really good country can be real wrist-slashing, I'm-going-to-hang-myself music. But, at least according to the article, the reason people listen to it isn't because they want to feel miserable, it's just the opposite: It's so they'll know they're not alone. When you're going through the miseries, you tend to feel completely alone. And it helps to know you're not.

So much of everyday life is stigmatized. So much of what we go through we hide through shame. God bless the person who isn't afraid to talk. God bless the person who isn't afraid to listen.

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