Thursday, March 8, 2007

Where's the living in all this?

Sometimes life just sucks and there’s not a darn thing you can do about it.

It’s cold. Winter is so long. Sue got in from NYC yesterday afternoon, I met her in Clarke’s in South Station and didn’t even have time to have a beer with her before we had to grab a train to the ‘burbs. We talked non-stop the whole way home. I enjoy her company so much, and sometimes I don’t listen to her as much as I just watch her, and the listening just comes along for the ride.

We picked up Kathryn and rushed through dinner. Fried egg sandwiches. I teased Sue that it wasn’t fancy NY food that she got used to. (The friend she was with is a real foodie.) The sandwiches were fine with her. Kathryn watched TV while I showed Sue my latest column and a theater review, and she caught up here on ABM. I sat with Kathryn for a little while watching America’s Top Model or something like that. She likes it, and I like just sitting next to her, so it was a win-win situation for us.

By the time I took her back to her house and got back to the apartment it was time for bed. The 5:30 alarm comes awfully soon.

This morning it was simply more rushing around. We race to our jobs to earn (not enough) money just to give it to someone else. Where’s the living in all this?

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