Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Tuesday

So Obama and Clinton are neck and neck and today is Super Tuesday and hopefully we'll break this horse race wide open.

I can't imagine Clinton as president. It's kind of like you get this package deal with the Clintons, and they are just so underhanded. So slimy. So sleazy.

If Hillary wins, I'll be feeling like someone picked my pocket. I knew this young girl once, she was all good intentions but fast-talking and always trying to impress you with how cool and street-wise she was when she really wasn't, and she was entertaining as all get out, but every time I was finished talking to her I always had the urge to touch my back pocket to make sure she hadn't lifted my wallet. There was just something about her you couldn't trust. That's the same feeling I get from Clinton. Fast-talking, someone selling me a bill of goods, someone trying to win my favor for their own benefit. And underneath it, there's something sad going on. And that wouldn't be so bad if the sadness wasn't so dangerous.

But I have my doubts about Obama, too. His lack of experience is a huge liability, but not a big as the lack of integrity that the Clintons have. The young vote has to come out strong for him if he's going to take the White House. And I'm not so sure that's a bad thing. This country needs a big change. A big shaking up. The only trouble is, we can't have change just for the sake of change.

McCain? I wouldn't feel bad about him at all if he weren't so old. He's what?--71? He'll be 72 if he takes office and 76 after four years of hell. It's awful but a vote for McCain is almost like betting the Grim Reaper for his running mate, whoever that will be. Colin Powell?

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